-> -> Join us October 18 - 26, 2024 for Yah's Feast of Sukkot! <- <-
Y'all come early, now, ya hear?
An Overview of the Feast and Its Timing

Sukkot -- The Feast of Tabernacles -- (Lev. 23:33-44) Five days after Yom Kippur is Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Ingathering or the Time of our Rejoicing, an 8-day feast when we live in sukkot (tents/huts/lean-to's). A wave offering of date palm branches, myrtle branches, willow branches and an etrog (lemon-like citrus fruit) is presented to YHVH. Just as Yom Kippur represents national atonement for Israel, Sukkot represents dwelling in YHVH's presence. It is very widely believed that Y'shua was born on the first day of Sukkot and was circumcised on the eighth day of the feast. John 7:37-41 recounts a particular Sukkot in Y'shua's life, when He foretold the giving of the Living Water. Shemini Atzaret (Eighth Day of Assembly) & Simchat Torah (Rejoicing in the Torah) conclude the Feast.
According to the calendar, Sukkot is expected to begin the evening of f'day, October 18, 2024. This was originally based on the first new moon after the barley being aviv (ripe, green ears) dictating the start of the scriptural year and the feast of Pesach -- Passover. We get this criteria from the following scriptures: "Observe the month of Aviv, and keep Pesach to YHVH your Elohim," Deut. 16:1 We realize that this puts us at odds with some of the Hebrew calendars available today (usually only by a day or two,) but this is how our heavenly Father said to calculate the Feast of Pesach / Week of Unleavened Bread in Scripture. The timing of the start of the year and Pesach sets all the subsequent feasts. In addition to Pesach setting the timing for the feasts, the calendar is again re-set at Yom Teruah - the Feast of Trumpets. We wait for the appearance of the moon to start the seventh scriptural month, and thus set the days for Yom Kippur and Sukkot. It is not easy planning events when you are dependent on the sighting of the renewed moon, but the blessings are the very presence of Yah Himself! He set the appointment. He'll show up!! We will only experience true unity when we conform ourselves to YHVH's Written Word (the Torah, Prophets, Writings, Brit Chadashah) and Messiah Y'shua, the Living Word Who lived out Torah, showing us how it was to be done.
YOU Are Invited!

We are very excited to be able to bring this Sukkot Celebration to our family in Messiah. We invite all to come and join us for this 8 day Celebration commanded by our Creator and prophetic of our dwelling with Him. Our Schedule of Events is still be under development. All events, camping and classes are available for love offerings -- remember Scripture says do not appear before Our Heavenly Father for a feast empty handed! (D'varim / Deut. 16:16b-17.) Our Heavenly Father has blessed us with 5 beautiful acres so camping out on-site is available! Please use the response form further below to register or ask for more information. We look forward to hearing from YOU!